I love the new year with all my heart. Watching the clock turn from 11:59 to 12:00 has become an almost spiritual experience for me, and I completely believe in leaving it all behind and starting fresh as soon as the clock strikes midnight.
I was recently talking to a friend about how life is kind of like this little thing I learned in physics called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. In a nutshell, the principle says that you cannot simultaneously know the position and momentum of something, instead, you either know one or the other. To visualize, imagine a huge map of the United States. On this map, you can see your little pinpoint on the map, but you do not know exactly how fast you are going--you only know your position. On the other hand, imagine the map zoomed way in on your location. You do not know your relation to big landmarks on the map, but you know how fast you are going--you know your momentum.
Now take the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and think about it within the scope of life. Often we just see our zoomed-in location on the map. We kind of know how fast we are going, but we honestly do not know where we are going. For me, the end of the year/beginning of the new year is a special and rare moment when we get to know both our position and our momentum on the map of life. It is a time when the Uncertainty Principle and the hustle of life are put in timeout and we get to reflect and revaluate.
The most important thing I learned this year is that more often than not, blessings come AFTER we have to make a tough choice. They come after we follow our heart on something difficult, or choose to take the tougher road, or start the new adventure. Sometimes I think we expect God to give us what we want before we’ve put in the faith and work for it, but I know that the blessings are always bigger and much sweeter AFTER the tests of life. The sun always rises AFTER the darkness, the butterfly comes AFTER the caterpillar; and because of that they are always more beautiful. 💛
The most important thing I learned this year is that more often than not, blessings come AFTER we have to make a tough choice. They come after we follow our heart on something difficult, or choose to take the tougher road, or start the new adventure. Sometimes I think we expect God to give us what we want before we’ve put in the faith and work for it, but I know that the blessings are always bigger and much sweeter AFTER the tests of life. The sun always rises AFTER the darkness, the butterfly comes AFTER the caterpillar; and because of that they are always more beautiful. 💛
Whatever you aspire to be or want to accomplish in the next 365 days, know that you are fully capable. You are smart enough, you are brave enough, and you have a Heavenly Father who will take your hopes and dreams and multiply them by two. Hard work, like really really hard work, and diligence in doing what Heavenly Father wants for you will produce amazing things.
Happy goal setting and growing! Cheers to another year of happiness!
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