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Small and Simple Things

This semester in school I took a class about the Book of Mormon, the keystone scripture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was so amazing to learn new things about my religion and to also become closer to Christ in the process. At the beginning of the semester, each student in the class designed their own project surrounding the Book of Mormon that would span over the whole semester. For my project, I decided to write down a couple things each day that happened during that day that reminded me of God or drew me closer to Him. At the beginning of my project, I found myself looking for grand events however, I soon found myself finding Heavenly Father in the little tiny things.

I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father is real and that he loves me, along with all of His other precious children. I have come to love the little things, and through loving the little things I have learned to cherish the big blessings. God is so close to us, and if for any reason there is a distance between us, it is because of our choices.

The project had four main topics: know, understand, believe, and change. I can say that I KNOW that Jesus Christ is my Savior and that He atoned for my sins and shortcomings. I UNDERSTAND that I am a daughter of God with divine qualities and I am endlessly loved. I BELIEVE that everything in life happens as a direct consequence of Heavenly Father's plan for me. I know that although CHANGE is very difficult and often uncomfortable, changing my will to reflect the will of Heavenly Father will yield blessings beyond comprehension.

I am eternally grateful for the joyful gospel and message that the Book of Mormon tells. It is real and I know that. I promise that reading and applying the Book of Mormon to your life will bring you happiness beyond anything of this world.

"He takes us as we are and makes us more than we ever imagined."--Niell Marriott.

All of my "little things":
2/1: Finding a job for a friend, feeling inspired at the interfaith conference 
2/2: doing homework, bring calm in a new situation 
2/3: peace during my test, seeing my friend
2/4: my blog photos turning out, advice from a loved one 
2/5: feeling the spirit, talking to my parents 
2/6: advice from Morgan and the girls at work, feeling comfort about a new situation 
2/7: the day going fast, talking to a friend
2/8: settling an argument lovingly, going to work early
2/9: the camera not being broken, talking to the girls at work about my fears 
2/10: being able to focus on HW, going out with Tori
2/12: camera being okay, not losing my credit card
2/13: getting a parking spot, going to the temple 
2/14: getting help at O.O, a calm feeling after praying for help
2/19: getting a parking spot, driving safe 
2/20: finding the bracelet, song in BOM 
2/21: talking to Rachel at work, having a better perspective 
2/23: having a good talk with a friend, getting a bomb parking spot 
2/24: seeing someone through a new light,  study group and office hours boosting confidence
2/25: talking to mom, getting good feedback on my assignment 
2/26: Doing unexpectedly well on a test, group project going well, feeling the spirit in class 
2/27: my eye being okay after a work accident, 
2/28: feeling peace during my test, talking to Jake 
3/1: the smell of rain reminding me of home, 
3/3: getting 100%  on my test, running into Connor 
3/4: making it through church when I did not feel well
3/6: driving home safely, listening to worship music 
3/8: talking to the bishop, feeling peace 
3/9: having fun grocery shopping, calming down
3/10: doing well on my test 
3/11: making friends in my stats class
3/13: talking to Elli and getting her sweet advice and love, having peace 
3/14: Morgan sending me the talk, calling Tyrell and getting advice from her 
3/15: blessing from Bishop, talking to the girls at work 
3/16: talking to Jannika, being able to calm down 
3/17: shopping, being with my family 
3/18: driving safely back to school, a blessing from dad 
3/19: feeling calm this morning 
3/20: being able to wake up on time 
3/21: my parents supporting me through my trials, seeing the first flowers of spring 
3/22: driving past the temple and feeling calm 
3/23: watching videos of Anna and Jannika and feeling my love for them 
3/24: sleeping soundly, warm sunshine 
3/25: Advice from Effie and Josh, DC 58:3 
3/26: Elli texting me, having immense calm
3/27:talking to Josh and Effie
3/28: finding my ID when I was in a rush, being able to take over Kori's housing 
3/29: going to Ashley’s call opening, 
3/30: the smell of summer outside
3/31: talk in General Conference on forgiveness, signing my housing contract for fall
4/1: making banana bread, talking with my roomies 
4/2: being able to get up and be happy, being safe walking from the parking lot 
4/3: doing well on my test, having confidence in my relationship with God 
4/4: Lacy texting me seeing how I was doing, getting a good grade on an assignment I was nervous about
4/5: getting work done early, Claire texting me sweet words
4/6: seeing my friends at random times, the baseball game reminding me of summer

(lol at this random it)


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