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6 Things I Learned in the Last 6 Months

Yes, I'm laughing at myself for writing this because it makes me feel all wise and important when in reality, I'm a 19-year-old-girl who still doesn't know how to make rice on the stovetop. BUT I think I have had my fair share of life-changing experiences recently, and I thought I would share what I have learned. Maybe you'll laugh at it, or maybe you'll learn a little something.

1. Thank Heavenly Father for the "no's."
So this was the suckiest one to learn. As people we pray for a ton of things: rain, financial success, safety, help, educational inspiration; but we usually expect a direct answer or for Heavenly Father to be a fairy godmother and grant all of our wishes AND give us a makeover. NEWSFLASH: life doesn't work that way. I have learned the most important lessons in my life in the WAITING not in the recieving of blessings. 

2. You never feel bad after serving someone. 
I am a thinker. AKA when I'm bored I think about all the "what-ifs" in life, and that is a very dangerous game to play. So whether you are bored, or you are caught up in your own pity party, or something terrible has actually happened to you and you need some joy--go serve. Text someone that you are thinking about them, make someone cookies, call your grandma, go to the temple, or even just pray for someone. Everyone has problems, but everyone has love to give, and I know that the surest way for me to quit pouting and get out of a funk is to serve. 

3. You will never regret taking care of your body. 
Exercising and eating well is so so so so important. If you eat cake you are going to feel like what is inside of the cake: fatty, oily, sugary, and heavy. So make yourself a good meal (cooking heals the soul), hit the gym, and take care of the greatest gift God gave us. If we don't have a body, we literally cannot continue to progress in this life. AND WITH THAT, everything in moderation. You don't need to eat boiled chicken and asparagus every day, so eat the peanut butter cup and move on. 

4. You are worth it. 
Ladies this one is for you. YOU ARE WORTH IT. If the day ever comes that you realize that you don't have any friends because you have ditched them all to bend over backwards for a boy, STOP. You have a life, dreams, goals, an education, a future career, and a personality! There is absolutely nothing wrong with serving and loving, but STINKIN' HAVE A BACKBONE and learn to say "no" once in a while. The right guy will treat you like the daughter of God you are, respect your goals, cheer you on, and CHASE YOU. Relationships are not 50/50, they are 100/100 so if homeboy is taking you for granted, communicate that. If nothing changes, leave. 

5. Take the people in your life seriously, but don't get serious too soon.
My mom taught me this one, she told me to "take the person seriously, but don't get serious about the relationship too soon." My girls: DON'T STINKIN' GO ON ONE DATE AND THEN GET ALL WORRIED BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T LOOK GOOD IN A NAVY SUIT ON YOUR WEDDING DAY. Live in the moment, because if you're worried about the future, you're going to miss out on the beauty of right now. Relationships that are meant to last an eternity are not developed in a week, or even a couple months, so have some perspective and patience. 

6. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. 
Keep your sights on Christ and you will never be led wrong. Live with excitement and joy for the present, but always remember that you have eternity to learn. This life is a gift, with trials, triumphs, and every emotion in between. We have a Heavenly Father who knows us better than we know ourselves. Nourish your relationship with Jesus Christ, pray daily to Heavenly Father, and really talk to Him. He is there, He is listening, and He wants the best for you. 

"You are something divine, more beautiful and glorious than you can possibly imagine." D.F.U.

All my love,


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