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Lighten Up!

Life is all about how we handle our experiences, and guess what?? Life is so fun when we lighten up! Obviously, that is easier said than done, but focusing on the happy things in life really does make a difference. Recently I heard something that I absolutely love and that is to "act how you want to feel."  By no means is that asking you to fake your emotions or lie to yourself, it simply means to have a good attitude and in turn, you will feel good. I have been trying to "act how I want to feel" for the past couple weeks, and IT WORKS. Now, I have not been a ray of sunshine all the time, but whenever I start to think negatively I can consciously switch my thinking to positive! We often forget that we have control over how we feel, and nothing makes us feel a certain way. Afterall, no hardship should be able to dim our inner light, and I truly believe that true beauty is found when we glow from within.

It also helps if we physically surround ourselves with things that brighten our day. Here are some super easy ways to lighten up life:

-paint your nails a bright color
-open up the blinds and let all the sunshine in
-string fairy lights in your room
-light a candle
-listen to music that makes you want to dance
-wear your favorite color
-whiten your teeth
-watch your favorite movie
-smile more
-watch the sunrise/sunset
-make lemonade

To brighten up my day I dyed my own hair! Yes, you read that right. I have always wanted my hair to be a little lighter, and I love trying new things. So I drug my boyfriend to Target with me on Friday night, picked up some hair color, mustered my courage, and did it myself. AND IT TURNED OUT. I will link the color I used and the Youtube tutorial I based my technique off of. Hair Dye I UsedYoutube Tutorial I Used


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