Yes, I'm laughing at myself for writing this because it makes me feel all wise and important when in reality, I'm a 19-year-old-girl who still doesn't know how to make rice on the stovetop. BUT I think I have had my fair share of life-changing experiences recently, and I thought I would share what I have learned. Maybe you'll laugh at it, or maybe you'll learn a little something. 1. Thank Heavenly Father for the "no's." So this was the suckiest one to learn. As people we pray for a ton of things: rain, financial success, safety, help, educational inspiration; but we usually expect a direct answer or for Heavenly Father to be a fairy godmother and grant all of our wishes AND give us a makeover. NEWSFLASH: life doesn't work that way. I have learned the most important lessons in my life in the WAITING not in the recieving of blessings. 2. You never feel bad after serving someone. I am a thinker. AKA when I'm bored I think about a...
The diary of a college girl.